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The Las Vegas African American Community Conversations is a four part, one hour round table conversation with local Las Vegans. They share their powerful stories and great history, with topics ranging from “Migration, Civil Rights, Education, Church, Entertainment and the Early Legal Community.”
Moderator: Trish Geran ( Author/Community Activist)
Panelists: Lucille Bryant (Community Activist)
Jackie Brantley (Former Director-Office of Governor Kenny Guinn)
Hannah Brown (Urban Chamber of Commerce)
David L. Washington (1st Black Chief of Las Vegas Fire & Rescue Department)
Brenda J. Williams (President-Westside School Alumni Foundation)
Moderator: Sonya Horsford Ed.D.
Panelists: Dr. Esther Langston (Professor UNLV)
Verlia Davis-Hoggard (Director of Clark County Social Services-Retired)
Idan M. Gaines (Regional Representative for Senator Harry Reid)
Dr. Linda Young (President-CCSD Board of Trustees)
Moderator: Claytee D. White (Director-Oral History Research Center)
Panelists: Lonnie G Wright (College Professor/Business Owner)
LaVerne C. Ligon (Director- Simba Talent Development Center Inc.)
Walter Mason (Director-IRA Aldridge Theater)
Leonard Pock Jr. (Retired Stagehand)
B.J. Thomas (Retired Stagehand)
Moderator: Rachel Anderson (Professor-UNLV Boyd School of Law)
Panelists: Michael L. Douglas (Justice-Supreme Court of Nevada)
Karen Bennett (Justice- Las Vegas Justice Court)
Booker Evans (Greenberg Traurig, LLP)
John R. Bailey ( Attorney/Managing Partner Bailey Kennedy)
Timothy C. Williams (Justice-District Court)